Code of conduct

Purpose and scope of the Code of Conduct

With the ever increasing development of Paprika SA and its opening up to extended commerce, the company recognises a wide variety of social and environmental conditions throughout the world.
This is why it has been implementing a proactive approach with regard to respecting existing norms concerning the work of all its collaborators in the ethical, orderly and environmentally-friendly production of its textile products. Paprika SA attaches considerable importance to the respect of human rights, sustainable development and the environment as well all relevant norms (national and international) ensuring a decent work model for all.
Paprika SA also guarantees not to do business with any companies with close ties with a State with principles in these areas that it is not reasonable to respect.
As such, Paprika SA strongly aspires to comply with these fundamental norms for all those who work in its supply chain, by adopting and implementing this Code of Conduct that the various suppliers of Paprika pledge to respect.

Principles to respect

Suppliers to the company Paprika SA must ensure that they respect these fundamental principles, as well as efficiently ensure that the companies that they deal with also respect them:

Respect of national and international legislation: Generally, the suppliers must commit to respecting all the local legislations applicable in the country in which they produce their merchanise. They must also commit to respecting various international fundamental-level norms governing the textile industry. In this way, they must respect the regulations issued by the International Work Organisation as well as by every other relevant international instrument, such as the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Freedom of association, collective bargaining and industrial relations: With regard to Conventions 87, 98, 135 and 154 of the International Work Organisation and recommendations 143 and 163 of the International Work Organisation. Both workers and employers have the right to organise themselves in ways conducive to promoting and defending the interests of workers and employers.Trade unions are considered a pre-requisite for collective bargaining and sound social dialogue; they must benefit from sufficient protection against all acts of interference by any person (directly or indirectly), both in their training and in their operation and administration. The suppliers must ensure that this legislation is acknowledged, and must also take necessary measures to ensure that persons affiliated with trade unions are not victims of discrimination, reprisals or any other form of unfavourable treatment (e.g. dismissal). In this way, they shall ensure that the representatives are chosen freely and that they have access to the whole infrastructure and the staff of the company so that they may be able to exercise effective representation of those they elect

Prohibition of forced labour: With regard to conventions 29 and 105 of the International Work Organisation. Forced labour is not just a grave violation of fundamental human rights; it is also one of the main causes of poverty and it compromises economic development; and this is why particular respect is to be paid to human dignity as part of a working environment which workers freely consent to. With this, all suppliers to Paprika SA must ensure that all their workers will not be forced to work, directly or indirectly, on its own behalf or on behalf of one of its sub-contractors. This is not just a matter of preventing slavery, physical abuse or human trafficking; it’s also about preventing situations in which the worker would be deprived of property, a relative or any official documents or be a victim of any other form of blackmail. The absence of forced labour also recognises the idea that the worker can freely quit the company in which they are working subject to a reasonable notice period.

Eliminating child labour and the protection of children and teenagers: With regard to conventions 6, 138 and 182 of the International Work Organisation and recommendations 146 and 190 of the International Work Organisation. The Paprika SA company does not tolerate in any shape or form of abusive child labour given their vulnerability and so that they may achieve complete physical and mental development. As per international regulations, no child shall under any circumstances be required to work at any age younger than the legal age of 15 years (14 years in particular circumstances). Furthermore, the minimum age for admission for any type of work which, given its nature or the environment in which it is performed, may jeopardise the health or the security of adolescents, may not be less than 18 years. With regard to all children under the age of 18 years, all the « worst forms of child labour » (as defined by convention 182 of the International Work Organisation) are expressly prohibited, including all forms of slavery and similar practices, such as the sale and trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, and forced or obligatory work. Night work children aged less than 18 years is also forbidden.

Equality of chances and treatment: With regard to conventions 100, 111 and 156 of the International Work Organisation and to recommendations 90, 111 and 165 of the International Work Organisation. No discrimination of any kind may be approved by the suppliers in connection with work / profession. There may be no distinction, exclusion or preference based on race, colour, gender, religion, political opinion, national or societal origin or familial responsibilities, such which may destroy or impinge on equality of chances or treatment in connection with work / profession. These regulations also apply to professional training, work opportunities and the various professions in existence, as well as employment conditions.

Working hours: With regard to conventions 1, 14 and 171 of the International Work Organisation and to recommandations 98, 116 and 178 of the International Work Organisation. The suppliers shall commit to ensuring that the working hours of the workers does not exceed the local legal maximum.

The protection of health and work security: With regard to conventions 155 and 161 of the International Work Organisation and to recommendations 97, 164 and 171 of the International Work Organisation. The suppliers must absolutely ensure the security of their staff and protect their health. They must allow for a conducive working environment as part of fulfilling these requirements – this starts with a proactive approach with regard to the risks recognised with the execution of the activity in question (allowing for emergency exits, for example) as they provide the maximum related required training to the workers. They shall also make available to their staff equipment that is in good working order and monitor their condition regularly in the interest of dispelling any possible functioning problems, and shall undertake all appropriate measures to maintain security in the whole of the working premises. They shall allow for the development of a security policy, to be communicated to the persons interested, so that they will be in the position to confront dangerous situations. The suppliers shall also ensure the respect of appropriate hygiene-related conditions on the work premises. In particular, they shall ensure access to drinking water, the present of decent toilet facilities on the workplace etc. They shall undertake the necessary measures to prevent any kind of contact with all toxic products as well as to prohibit the release of harmful substances, while bearing in mind that it is preferable to focus on harmful substances and harmful processes related to innocuous substances and processes (or ones which are, at any rate, less damaging to a person’s health) wherever possible. Furthermore, there must be located on the work site emergency resources and first aid, in the event of an accident, work-related sickness, intoxication or indisposition.

Maternity protection: With regard to convention 183 of the International Work Organisation and recommendation 191 of the International Work Organisation. Particular attention must be drawn to maternity protection i.e. the health of women who are pregnant or breastfeeding must be ensured as much as possible. They may not be forced to perform any kind of work considered detrimental to their health or that of their baby or for which a significant risk to the health of the mother or the child has been determined.

Respect of the right to a decent wage: With reference to conventions 95 and 131 of the International Work Organisation and recommendations 85 and 135 of the International Work Organisation. All work which is ultimately performed in the name of Paprika SA must be subject to a level of pay appropriate to the objective consideration of the work that is actually performed. The suppliers shall commit to observing the minimum standards in this area and to paying a minimum salary which complies with national legislation. However, if the minimum salary fails to cover the essential needs of its worker, then said worker shall be entitled to an additional amount on top of their salary so that it then constitutes the minimum living wage. Of course, the supplier shall, wherever possible, endeavour to exceed the vital threshold and shell promote the well-being of their staff as much as possible. The worker must be able to dispose of his wages freely and is forbidden to prohibit this liberty with any party by any means other than wage withholding as governed by national or international legislation.

The guarantee of workplace security: With regard to conventions 158 and 183 of the International Work Organisation and recommendations 119 and 166 of the International Work Organisation. The suppliers shall pledge to meet existing norms for the purpose of maintaining the work stability of their staff, in particular as far as dismissal is concerned. The latter must recognise a valid motive which is related to the aptitude or the conduct of the worker or which is based on the necessities for the functioning of the company. Temporary absence from work due to illness, maternity leave or an accident does not necessarily constitute a valid reason for dismissal. Before any dismissal may take place, the worker may, if (s)he so wishes, have his / her case heard by his / her employer in the interest of defending his dismissal motive and, if appropriate, contest his / her empoyer before an impartial court.

Work-related inspection: With regard to convention 81 of the International Work Organisation and recommendation 81 of the International Work Organisation.The supplier must provide an inspection system on the workplace premises for the sake of ensuring compliance with the provisions set forth in this Code of Conduct, such as those related to working hours, salaries, security, hygiene and child / teenager work, as well as their related materials. The work inspector must, if appropriate, provide technical information and advice to the employers and the workers on the most efficient means for observing these provisions.

Protection of the environment: The suppliers shall commit to undertaking all adequate measures to respect the environment in which the manufacturing of Paprika SA products takes place, and to observing the norms concerning the protection of the environment. In particular, this is about adapting its policy for management of waste and the elimination of any toxic products in line with existing legislation.

Conclusion: These principles are but the minimum standards. Paprika SA strongly advises its suppliers to exceed to minimum demanded levels by adopting more protective steps in favour of the people who work for them.

Implementation of the code :

The company Paprika SA shall, first and foremost, promote its collaboration with those of its suppliers who show the highest level of interest with regard to respecting the Code of Conduct.
Furthermore, Paprika SA shall commit to undertaking all preventive measures vis-à-vis said suppliers, in the interest of respecting the current Code of Good Conduct as efficiently as possible. To this end, it shall encourage company dialogue, and a given collaborator shall be specifically designated to deal with any problems concerning the implementation of the code.
The supplier must display the current Code of Good Conduct at the work premises, in the appropriate language.
Furthermore, in order to ensure that the practices of its suppliers comply with the work conditions that are listed in this Code of Conduct, Paprika SA shall send agents to each working premises prior to the commencement of any collaboration, and it expressly reserves the right to conduct audits at any time during the collaboration period.
If one of Paprika’s suppliers states any inadequacies in connection with the prescriptions that are indicated above, Paprika SA shall, as soon as possible, help the supplier at fault to satisfy its company / environmental practices in accordance with this Code of Conduct. However, Paprika SA reserves the right to prevent any collaboration with said supplier if there is any recognised gross bad faith or if said supplier is responsible for repeated inadequacies.